I've found my favorite B&W tritone is one through an action called "Burgundy Gold" by The Light's Right Studio. Head on over for a whole bunch of great free actions. I add an inner glow (black, 150px, 3%noise, color burn) for a simple edged effect.
5 RAW images shot on tripod, then stitched together with Photoshop's "Photomerge" feature. Works very well - on the (huge) full-size image i can't tell where the seams are.
I love photography. What more to say? I shoot Nikon equipment - currently a D700 (which is more awesome than sharks with laser beams attached to their heads). As for subjects, I shoot anything and everything, moving, not moving and in between. That is all.
Portrait sessions are available as well as weddings & engagement shoots (a team effort with Rhonda - see her blog below). Check my website for details (link below).
Feel free to leave a comment... constructive criticism always welcome.