Sunday, November 08, 2009

Studio Practice... The Hall girls

The setup:
Nikon D700, Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 EX DG, Nikkor 105mm f/2.8 AF-S VR Micro

New and exciting:
Alienbees B800 Strobe
Manfrotto 420B combi-boom
Alienbees 32"x40" softbox
CyberSync Wireless Transmitter/Receiver system

Backdrop: 105" wide seamless white paper (roll mounted to ceiling)

I used my Nikon SB-800 Speedlight mounted to shoot through a 32" translucent umbrella as the secondary/fill light, with the softbox and the speedlight both at 45 degree angles to provide soft, nearly shadow-free lighting. Very simple and a lot of fun. The softbox RULES. Now I need another one.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Livingston, Montana, July 2009

Nikon D80, Nikkor AF-S DX 18-70mm f/3.5-4.5, Nikkor AF-S 80-200mm f/2.8 D

I finally got around to having a look through some of the vacation shots I took back in July. We spent a week or so in Livingston, Montana - it's near Yellowstone National Park and is absolutely one of the most beautiful places I've been. I walked around this tiny town for a couple of hours on the morning before we left, with my wife and nephew in tow, just wandering and taking in small-town America. God bless the USA!